

Short Features

Curating, Conservation, Materials and Methods

Curating Barnett Newman: The Late Works

In this video, Chief Conservator Brad Epley and Curator Michelle White reflect on Barnett Newman: The Late Work, 2015, an exhibition that began with a scholarly look at three works left incomplete at the time of the artist’s death. In curating the exhibition, they found was that that a distinction between finished and unfinished was not so clear and the posthumous presentation of unfinished states was not only a challenge, but an incredibly fertile endeavor. The makeup of the curatorial team reflects the intellectual scope of the exhibition’s material study and art historical approach to the presentation of Newman’s work. White and Epley reveal some of the remarkable material and technical innovations and transformations and reflect on their curatorial process.

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Mar 27 – Aug 2, 2015
Main Building
Barnett Newman: The Late Work