

Lines of Resolution: Drawing at the Advent of Television and Video

Oct 3, 2025 – Feb 8, 2026
Menil Drawing Institute

Lines of Resolution: Drawing at the Advent of Television and Video explores the relationship between drawing, television, and video from the late 1950s into the 1980s. Personal electronics became widely available during this era and soon made their way into artists’ studios. These electric screens became a source of artistic imagery, a surface for inscription, and a device that could be manipulated to generate entirely new kinds of drawing. This exhibition features works by twenty-five artists, including drawings, video, mixed media sculpture, and an immersive installation.

This exhibition is curated by Dr. Anna Lovatt, Associate Professor of Art History at Southern Methodist University, and Kelly Montana, Associate Curator, Menil Drawing Institute.

This exhibition is generously supported by Sheila Noeth and Ted Dohmen; and the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.